Support Call Package

A special add-on support program for coachees to remain engaged with their coach between sessions. You get 3 - 30 min. support calls in this package.

Support Call sessions are intended to enhance and help you understand or synthesize new paradigms of thinking/being as you begin or continue on your journey of spiritual growth exploration.

I want to ensure that through the coaching process you experience peace of mind and including Support Calls between coaching sessions can help you feel confident while exploring new ideas and shifting your way of showing up in the world.

This package of Support Call sessions, external to any regularly scheduled sessions, provides you with 3 opportunities to connect with your coach by Zoom or telephone while you are receiving  Life Transformation Coaching.  Support Calls are 20-30 minutes in duration and you are able to schedule at your convenience on my calendar.

Topics generally discussed in a 20-30 minute Support Call session include questions like:
"Can you help me gain clarity on what I'm experiencing?"
"I'd like to talk through something I experienced, I just need someone to listen. Can we chat?"
"I've been reading about spirituality/mindfulness/personal growth, what are your thoughts on this?"
"I'm challenged by this situation lately and want to take a different approach, any suggestions?"

When your initial subscription expires (when all sessions have been used or 3 months, whichever comes first), you may request an additional Support Call package. Easily purchase your first package here:

3 Support Calls Package

$27 USD

  • Support When You Need It

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